The Beginners Guide To Golf (Finding The Starting Point)
Round one
Games Tips for The Average Joe
The teams that put contestants for this first round pass through 8 and 9 during the tournament. The distance for this first round is 8 feet. You only need one shot to sink the putt and move to round two. After the first 200 dollars miss, each participating contestant can buy back a single extra putt. Purchasing a putt into the final round during registration guarantees entry into round two. Second game round This is held at the conclusion of the tournament after the players have convened for dinner under a pavilion. The putting distance for this round is ten feet. All remaining contestants will have to participate in a sudden death round at this stage. Any miss means instant elimination with no room to of getting back to the game. With every win, the contestants are added an additional three feet distance that attracts tougher competition and the contest is summarized only after the last contestant is left standing. Types of putting contests One/ single-putting contests This type of contests are designed to suit a few players with a minimum of one and a maximum of five players all depending on the organizer’s budget. in most cases the players are selected before based on a certain qualification criteria the most common being using raffle tickets. After deciding whom your contestants are then be ready with the prices. Combination-putting contests If you are finding it difficult to leave any of your tournament players out of the excitement of the putting contest then this is the best way to go. Have your players begin from a ten foot putt distance and scale upwards to 30 feet and finally a target of fifty feet should be your goal. It is important however that you clarify the specifics of the game before signing up any contestants because the players need to strive for the final prize only if they know what they have to scale to get there.