Al puro estilo William Shakespeare
Beautiful love phrases to inspire you romantically … You can use these short love phrases in love letters, love cards, loving romantic messages etc.
Aching desire, adorable beauty, affectionate embrace, affectionate smile, amorous desire, angelic softness, angelic face, angelic smile, awed devotion, aromatic fragrance
Bashful smile, beautiful features (eyes, hair, hands, feet, legs etc), beautiful moves, beguiling voice, beguiling looks, blissful adoration, blissful whispers of love, boundless admiration, boundless love
Captivating charms, caressing smile, celestial joy, charming grace, charming radiance, cherished love, chivalrous spirit, compassionate love, compelling force of love, crushing sorrow, crystalline eyes

Dancing sunshine, dashing gallantry, dazzling beauty, delicious kiss, delightful touch, delirious ecstacies, desirable demeanor, deviously subtle, devoted love, dramatic liveliness
Earthly splendor, ecstatic happiness, effervescent style, effusive charm, embittered gaze, emotional warmth, enchanting grace, enduring love, engaging smile, engulfing love, enriching experience, enthralling charm, enveloping presence, exhilarating bliss, exquisite grace
Faultless skin, fine taste, flashing wit, flowing grace, fragile form, freshening breeze of love
Gleeful spirit, gorgeous splendor, graceful demeanor, gushing enthusiasm
Haunting despair, heavenly ecstacies, honest admiration, honeyed eloquence, hot frenzy, hypnotic fascination
Impatient craving, impending fate, impetuous zeal, inflamed passion, involuntary yearnings
Magnetic fascination, majestic form, matchless charm
Panting eagerness, penetrating warmth, persuasive eloquence, pleasurable excitement, propelling impulse
Radiant happiness, radiating love, resilient spirit
Saintly serenity, shining virtues, silent agony, soaring bliss, stormy passion, sublime anticipation, surpassing loveliness
Thrilling eloquence, tingling expectation, tormenting thought, tranquil grandeur, treasured virtues, trembling anxiety
Unabated pleasure, uncontrollable delight, undeniable charm, unique personality, unrelenting spirit, unrequited love, unsatisfied yearning, unselfish fidelity
Yearning tenderness, youthful glow
* A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.
~ Ingrid Bergman ~
* There is no remedy for love but to love more.
~ Thoreau ~
* I have nothing more to give you than my heart.
~ Spanish saying ~
* When you are in Love you can’t fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams.
~ Dr Seuss ~
* The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.
~ Helen Keller ~