Al puro estilo William Shakespeare
Beautiful love phrases to inspire you romantically … You can use these short love phrases in love letters, love cards, loving romantic messages etc.
Aching desire, adorable beauty, affectionate embrace, affectionate smile, amorous desire, angelic softness, angelic face, angelic smile, awed devotion, aromatic fragrance
Bashful smile, beautiful features (eyes, hair, hands, feet, legs etc), beautiful moves, beguiling voice, beguiling looks, blissful adoration, blissful whispers of love, boundless admiration, boundless love

Captivating charms, caressing smile, celestial joy, charming grace, charming radiance, cherished love, chivalrous spirit, compassionate love, compelling force of love, crushing sorrow, crystalline eyes
Dancing sunshine, dashing gallantry, dazzling beauty, delicious kiss, delightful touch, delirious ecstacies, desirable demeanor, deviously subtle, devoted love, dramatic liveliness
Earthly splendor, ecstatic happiness, effervescent style, effusive charm, embittered gaze, emotional warmth, enchanting grace, enduring love, engaging smile, engulfing love, enriching experience, enthralling charm, enveloping presence, exhilarating bliss, exquisite grace
Faultless skin, fine taste, flashing wit, flowing grace, fragile form, freshening breeze of love
Gleeful spirit, gorgeous splendor, graceful demeanor, gushing enthusiasm
Haunting despair, heavenly ecstacies, honest admiration, honeyed eloquence, hot frenzy, hypnotic fascination
Impatient craving, impending fate, impetuous zeal, inflamed passion, involuntary yearnings
Magnetic fascination, majestic form, matchless charm
Panting eagerness, penetrating warmth, persuasive eloquence, pleasurable excitement, propelling impulse
Radiant happiness, radiating love, resilient spirit
Saintly serenity, shining virtues, silent agony, soaring bliss, stormy passion, sublime anticipation, surpassing loveliness
Thrilling eloquence, tingling expectation, tormenting thought, tranquil grandeur, treasured virtues, trembling anxiety
Unabated pleasure, uncontrollable delight, undeniable charm, unique personality, unrelenting spirit, unrequited love, unsatisfied yearning, unselfish fidelity
Yearning tenderness, youthful glow
* A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.
~ Ingrid Bergman ~
* There is no remedy for love but to love more.
~ Thoreau ~
* I have nothing more to give you than my heart.
~ Spanish saying ~
* When you are in Love you can’t fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams.
~ Dr Seuss ~
* The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.
~ Helen Keller ~
* The most precious possession that ever comes
To a man in this world
Is a woman’s heart.
~ Josiah G. Holland ~
* And think not you can
Direct the course of love,
For love,
If it finds you worthy,
Directs your course.
~ Gibran Kahlil Gibran ~
* Other men said they have seen angels,
But I have seen thee
And thou art enough.
~ G. Moore ~
* You need somebody to Love you while you are looking for someone to love.
~ Shelagh Delaney ~
* Oh, what use is Love if you have no one to Love?
~ Immanuel of Rome ~
* He who Love touches not walks in darkness.
~ Plato ~
* A heart that loves is always young.
~ Greek Proverb ~
* To get the full value of joy You must have someone to divide it with.
~ Mark Twain ~
* True happiness is found in unselfish Love, A love which increases in proportion as it is shared.
~ Thomas Merton ~
* Love doesn’t sit there like a stone.
It has to be made like bread;
Remade all the time…Made new.
~ Le Guin ~
* Hearts are not to be had as a gift Hearts are to be earned…
~ William Butler Yeats ~
* True love doesn’t have a happy ending: True love doesn’t have an ending.
~ Anonymous ~
* Love is a many splendid thing. Love lifts us up where we belong. All you need is love!
~ Moulin Rouge ~
* You don’t love a woman because she’s beautiful,
She is beautiful because you love her.
~ Anonymous ~
* Love is not a matter of counting the years…
But making the years count.
~ Michelle St. Amand ~
* Love is not blind.
It sees more, not less.
But because it sees more,
It is willing to see less.
~ Rabbi Julius Gordon ~
* In Love, one and one are one.
~ Jean-Paul Satre ~
* How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways.
I Love thee to the depth
And breadth and height
My soul can reach.
~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning ~
* You will never know true happiness
until you have truly loved,
and you will never understand
what pain really is until you have lost it.
~ Anonymous ~
* To live is like to love –
all reason is against it,
and all healthy instinct for it.
~ Samuel Butler ~
* My heart was singing like a bird�
The birthday of my life is come,
My love is come to me.
~ Dante Gabriel Rossetti ~
* Love is that condition in which-
The happiness of another person
Is essential to your own.
~ Robert A. Heinlein ~
* In the end the love you take is equal to the love you make.
~ John Lennon ~
* I only wish to be the fountain of love
From which you drink,
Every drop promising eternal passion.
~ Unknown Author ~
* We are not loved because we are valued; we are valued because we are loved.
~ William Sloan Coffin ~
* If I know what love is, It is because of you.
~ Herman Hesse ~
* When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.
~ Unknown Author ~
* Love one another, but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
~ Kahlil Gibran ~
* What is love? �
It is the morning and the evening star.
~ Sinclair Lewis ~
* Love is what happens to a man and woman who do not know each other.
~ W. Somerset Maugham ~
* I have learned not to worry about love;
But to honor its coming with all my heart.
~ Alice Walker ~
* Love either finds equality or makes it.
~ John Dryden ~
* Seduce my mind and you can have my body, find my soul and I’m yours forever.
~ Anonymous ~
* Love understands love; it needs no talk.
~ Frances Ridley Havergal ~
* One word frees us
Of all the weight and pain in life,
That word is Love.
~ Socrates ~
* Love conquers all.
~ Virgil ~
* Did my heart love till now?
Forswear it sight,
For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night.
~ William Shakespeare ~
* Love isn�t love until you give it away.
~ Unknown Author ~
* Love is the white light of emotion.
~ Diane Ackerman ~
* So dear I love him that with him,
All deaths I could endure.
Without him, live no life.
~ William Shakespeare ~
* Romantic love is sexually passionate love.
Romance uses sexual intimacy to create or amplify closeness and mutual fulfillment.
~ Peter R. Breggin ~
* When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.
~ Unknown Author ~
* Love is like a friendship caught on fire.
In the beginning a flame, very pretty,
Often hot and fierce,
But still only light and flickering.
As love grows older,
Our hearts mature
And our love becomes as coals,
Deep-burning and unquenchable.
~ Bruce Lee ~
* Where there is marriage without love, there will be love without marriage.
~ Unknown ~
* Love is a great beautifier.
~ Amelia Barr ~