De Economia

Draghi: ECB cut rates after economic data worsened

LONDON (MarketWatch)
European Central Bank President Mario Draghi said on Thursday that the decision to cut interest rates was unanimous and was made after downside risks to the euro-zone economic outlook materialized in recent data.
He also said the …

De Economia

U.S. jobless claims fall 9,000 to 397,000

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch)
The number of Americans who filed new applications for unemployment benefits fell to the lowest level in six weeks, government data showed Thursday, but the small decline suggested little change in a sluggish U.S. labor market….

De Economia

U.S. productivity increases 3.1% in third quarter

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch)
The productivity of U.S. businesses climbed 3.1% in the third quarter as workers produced more goods and services in nearly the same amount of time, according to the Labor Department. Economists surveyed by MarketWatch had expe…

De Economia

ECB cuts key rate to 1.25% from 1.5%

FRANKFURT (MarketWatch)
The European Central Bank on Thursday cut its key lending rate to 1.25% from 1.5%.
Economists had largely expected the ECB to maintain the rate at 1.5%, but held out the possibility of a cut.

De Economia

Spain’s Treasury on Thursday sold 4.5 billion euros

FRANKFURT (MarketWatch)
Spain’s Treasury on Thursday sold 4.5 billion euros ($6.2 billion) of government bonds, with borrowing costs rising amid increasing turmoil surrounding Greece and the euro-zone debt crisis. Spain sold 1.56 billion euros of bonds…

De Economia

Kraft posts higher profit, raises outlook

Kraft Foods Inc. on Wednesday reported a third-quarter profit of $922 million, or 52 cents a share, up from $754 million, or 43 cents a share, a year ago.
Operating earnings came to 58 cents a share.
Sales rose 11.5% …

De Economia

Merkel, Sarkozy y el FMI amenazan con dejar a Grecia sin más ayudas

Ni Merkel ni Sarkozy ni el resto de líderes europeos reunidos este miércoles con Yorgos Papandreu han logrado que el primer ministro heleno recule en su pretensión de realizar un referéndum para comprobar el apoyo del pueblo griego a los acuerdos d…

De Economia

Lagarde: Europa está decidida a aplicar el plan de rescate a Grecia y al euro

La directora gerente del Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI), Christine Lagarde, aseguró hoy que los países de la eurozona están decididos a aplicar sus compromisos sobre el rescate a Grecia y la recapitalización de la banca y la ampliación de…

De Economia

El Gobierno italiano aprueba nuevas reformas anticrisis prometidas a la UE

El Gobierno italiano aprobó este miércoles algunas de las reformas económicas que el primer ministro, Silvio Berlusconi, se comprometió a adoptar ante sus socios comunitarios la semana pasada ante las exigencias de la Unión Europea (UE) para g…

De Economia

U.S. stocks rally to close higher, recovering some lost gains after Fed notes growth

U.S. stocks closed sharply higher Wednesday, bouncing back after a deep two-day retreat, as investors took heart from better-than-forecast October jobs data from payroll provider ADP and comments from the Federal Reserve, w…